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Volunteer Work Day at Mianus River Gorge!

Saturday, November 4, 2017 - 10:00am to 3:00pm
Mianus River Gorge

Trails close on November 30, and we need your help to make sure they’re ready for their winter rest. Winter takes its toll on the steps, trail edging and retaining walls that comprise the narrow and winding hiking paths so we want to make sure they're in good condition now.

Please join Mianus River Gorge staff and fellow volunteers for a Volunteer Work Day on
Saturday, November 4 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Come for as long as you like, but bring your own lunch if you can stay the entire time!

Your help is needed to remove non-native invasive species, general trail maintenance, and more.
This is a great opportunity to get out-of-doors, meet new people, and contribute to a memorable experience for all MRG visitors and volunteers. Bring a friend (and work gloves if you have them)!


Please contact or
call (914) 234-3455 to sign up.