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Invasive Vine Cut

Sunday, November 19, 2017 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
pin Bronx River Parkway Reservation - Exit 24 Fisher Lane

Please join us on Sunday, 11/19 from 1-3pm in North White Plains on the Bronx River Reservation (Exit 24 Fisher Lane) as we do a little maintenance on a wetland restoration project completed by the County a few years back by the pond off Fisher Lane. Porcelain berry vines are creeping into the project area and need to be cut back. The area tends to be muddy after it rains (rain is forecast for the previous day) so rubber boots are a good idea. We'll have some to borrow as well as the usual gloves and tools.
Free parking is available in the Metro-North lot or in the smaller North Castle commuter lot where all the new bike path construction is happening.
Site is also a short walk from the Metro-North North White Plains train station (Harlem Line).
We plan to assemble in that smaller lot where you can sign in, glove up, etc.