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Native Planting

Saturday, October 22, 2016 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Tuckahoe, NY

Vine Removal and Native Planting: NYSDEC “Trees for Tributaries” Program

Bronx River Parkway Reservation Conservancy


Help us some vegetation form the banks of Bronxville Lake on the Bronx River and then plant these natives.

       When: Saturday, October 22 1-3pm 

Site Preparation: We'll need volunteers to do some site prep in advance of planting the trees and shrubs in two locations on the lake. Work will include cutting and removal of invasive species, including European alder and mulberry tree saplings, multiflora rose, euonymous, bittersweet and porcelain berry.

Planting: We'll need volunteers both days to plant native trees and shrubs at the two locations on the lake. Work will include digging holes, planting container plants and installing tree tubes and weed mats


We'll supply tools, gloves, water, instructions, etc.

Volunteers should wear long pants and sleeves, and sturdy shoes.

Meet at the northern part of the lake, intersection of Tuckahoe Rd. and Garrett Ave. in Tuckahoe.

Please RSVP to:

Bob DelTorto

Bronx River Parkway Reservation Conservancy