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Bellamya chinensis

Biological Category 
Aquatic Invertebrate
Species Type 
Aquatic Invertebrate
LHPrism Status 
Tier 2 - Emerging
Key Characteristics 
The outer lip has a black coloring.; trap door; The shell is globose and has 6-7 whorls that are convex and have a clear suture. The Chinese mystery snail has a concentrically marked operculum, or "trap door," that can close when water quality is not sufficient. The trap door is not present after death.
Mature snails have banded olive green, greenish brown, brown, or reddish brown shells.
3 cm-7cm in length

Vertical Tabs

Impacts of this species 

The Chinese mystery snail can host parasites which infect and kill waterfowl. They form dense populations that can clog water intake screens.